Winning Percentage Calculator

What is the Winning percentage?

A winning percentage is a number that is calculated by dividing the number of matches won by the total number of matches played. The winning percentage shows the ability of a team and shows its presence or absence will have an impact on a tournament or competition.

The formula for Winning Percentage is?

The calculation of the winning percentage is equivalent to the number of wins in a total number of games. If there is no match abandoned or drawn, then you will divide the number of wins over the total number of matches played.

winning percentage = match wins / total matches.

For Example

If a team played 54 matches and win 35 from all the matches played.


Winning percentage % = 35/54

Winning percentage % = 64.81%.

The formula for Winning Percentage with tie matches

Here is the formula for an example, explaining how to calculate winning %, when there are tie matches or drawn matches in all the matches (games) played.

winning percentage % = (match wins + 0.5 * ties) / total matches

If a team played 54 matches and win 35 from all the matches played. While there are 3 drawn matches also between the two teams.


Winning percentage % = (35 + 0.5 * 3) / 54

Winning percentage % = 67.59%