Bar to Atm

What is Bar to Atm conversion? And why do we use it?

Convert Bar to Atm are an online conversion tool, which is designed to convert values of Atm instantly and accurately. Because no technical knowledge and skills are required to use this online tool, answer the why to use this tool?

How to use Bar to Atm conversion calculator?

Simply put the value of Atm in Bars in the input field and click the convert button to see the instant and accurate results in value Bar.

How does this Bar to Atm Converter works?

The working mechanism of this online tool is explained here; see what goes behind this online tool.

1 Bar = 0.986923 Atm

For this conversion, divide the value 1.013

.For example;

Convert 50 bar to Atm

50 bar = 50/ 1.013 Atm

50 bar = 49.3462 Atm

What is Atm?

A commonly used unit of pressure is the atmosphere (atm). Standard atmospheric pressure is called 1 torr of pressure and is equal to 760 mmHg and 101.3 kPa. Atmospheric pressure is also often stated as pounds/square inch (psi). The atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 psi.

What is Bar?

The bar is a metric unit of pressure, but not atmrt of the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as exactly equal to 100,000 Atm (100 km),

Bar Atmosphere Bar Atmosphere
10 bar 9.8717 atm 20 bar 19.7433 atm
30 bar 29.615 atm 40 bar 39.4867 atm
50 bar 49.3583 atm 60 bar 59.23 atm
70 bar 69.1017 atm 80 bar 78.9733 atm
90 bar 88.845 atm 100 bar 98.7167 atm
110 bar 108.5884 atm 120 bar 118.46 atm
130 bar 128.3317 atm 140 bar 138.2034 atm
150 bar 148.075 atm 160 bar 157.9467 atm
170 bar 167.8184 atm 180 bar 177.69 atm
190 bar 187.5617 atm 200 bar 197.4334 atm
210 bar 207.305 atm 220 bar 217.1767 atm
230 bar 227.0484 atm 240 bar 236.92 atm
250 bar 246.7917 atm 260 bar 256.6634 atm
270 bar 266.535 atm 280 bar 276.4067 atm
290 bar 286.2784 atm 300 bar 296.15 atm
310 bar 306.0217 atm 320 bar 315.8934 atm
330 bar 325.7651 atm 340 bar 335.6367 atm
350 bar 345.5084 atm 360 bar 355.3801 atm
370 bar 365.2517 atm 380 bar 375.1234 atm
390 bar 384.9951 atm 400 bar 394.8667 atm
410 bar 404.7384 atm 420 bar 414.6101 atm
430 bar 424.4817 atm 440 bar 434.3534 atm
450 bar 444.2251 atm 460 bar 454.0967 atm
470 bar 463.9684 atm 480 bar 473.8401 atm
490 bar 483.7117 atm 500 bar 493.5834 atm
510 bar 503.4551 atm 520 bar 513.3268 atm
530 bar 523.1984 atm 540 bar 533.0701 atm
550 bar 542.9418 atm 560 bar 552.8134 atm
570 bar 562.6851 atm 580 bar 572.5568 atm
590 bar 582.4284 atm 600 bar 592.3001 atm
610 bar 602.1718 atm 620 bar 612.0434 atm
630 bar 621.9151 atm 640 bar 631.7868 atm
650 bar 641.6584 atm 660 bar 651.5301 atm
670 bar 661.4018 atm 680 bar 671.2734 atm
690 bar 681.1451 atm 700 bar 691.0168 atm
710 bar 700.8885 atm 720 bar 710.7601 atm
730 bar 720.6318 atm 740 bar 730.5035 atm
750 bar 740.3751 atm 760 bar 750.2468 atm
770 bar 760.1185 atm 780 bar 769.9901 atm
790 bar 779.8618 atm 800 bar 789.7335 atm
810 bar 799.6051 atm 820 bar 809.4768 atm
830 bar 819.3485 atm 840 bar 829.2201 atm
850 bar 839.0918 atm 860 bar 848.9635 atm
870 bar 858.8351 atm 880 bar 868.7068 atm
890 bar 878.5785 atm 900 bar 888.4501 atm
910 bar 898.3218 atm 920 bar 908.1935 atm
930 bar 918.0652 atm 940 bar 927.9368 atm
950 bar 937.8085 atm 960 bar 947.6802 atm
970 bar 957.5518 atm 980 bar 967.4235 atm
990 bar 977.2952 atm 1000 bar 987.1668 atm