Teaspoon to Grams

What is Teaspoon to Grams converter??

Teaspoon to Grams converter is an online conversion tool designed to convert Grams' values instantly and accurately because no technical knowledge and skills are required to use this online tool. Answer the why to use this tool.

How to use Teaspoon to Grams conversion calculator?

Put the value of Grams in a teaspoon in the input field and click the convert button to see the instant and accurate results in value Teaspoon.

How this Teaspoon to Grams Converter works?

The working mechanism of this online tool is explained here; see what goes behind this online tool.

1 Teaspoon =4.2 Grams

For this conversion, multiply the value by 4.2.

For example;

Convert 50 Teaspoon to Grams

50 Teaspoon = 50*4.2 Grams

50 Teaspoon =210Grams

What is Teaspoon?

A teaspoon is an item of cutlery. A small spoon can be used to stir a cup of tea or coffee or as a tool for measuring volume.

What is Gram?

The gram is the metric unit of mass. It was initially defined as “the absolute weight of a volume of pure water equal to the cube of the hundredth part of a meter.”

Teaspoon Grams Teaspoon Grams
10 ts 42 g 20 ts 84 g
30 ts 126 g 40 ts 168 g
50 ts 210 g 60 ts 252 g
70 ts 294 g 80 ts 336 g
90 ts 378 g 100 ts 420 g
110 ts 462 g 120 ts 504 g
130 ts 546 g 140 ts 588 g
150 ts 630 g 160 ts 672 g
170 ts 714 g 180 ts 756 g
190 ts 798 g 200 ts 840 g
210 ts 882 g 220 ts 924 g
230 ts 966 g 240 ts 1008 g
250 ts 1050 g 260 ts 1092 g
270 ts 1134 g 280 ts 1176 g
290 ts 1218 g 300 ts 1260 g
310 ts 1302 g 320 ts 1344 g
330 ts 1386 g 340 ts 1428 g
350 ts 1470 g 360 ts 1512 g
370 ts 1554 g 380 ts 1596 g
390 ts 1638 g 400 ts 1680 g
410 ts 1722 g 420 ts 1764 g
430 ts 1806 g 440 ts 1848 g
450 ts 1890 g 460 ts 1932 g
470 ts 1974 g 480 ts 2016 g
490 ts 2058 g 500 ts 2100 g
510 ts 2142 g 520 ts 2184 g
530 ts 2226 g 540 ts 2268 g
550 ts 2310 g 560 ts 2352 g
570 ts 2394 g 580 ts 2436 g
590 ts 2478 g 600 ts 2520 g
610 ts 2562 g 620 ts 2604 g
630 ts 2646 g 640 ts 2688 g
650 ts 2730 g 660 ts 2772 g
670 ts 2814 g 680 ts 2856 g
690 ts 2898 g 700 ts 2940 g
710 ts 2982 g 720 ts 3024 g
730 ts 3066 g 740 ts 3108 g
750 ts 3150 g 760 ts 3192 g
770 ts 3234 g 780 ts 3276 g
790 ts 3318 g 800 ts 3360 g
810 ts 3402 g 820 ts 3444 g
830 ts 3486 g 840 ts 3528 g
850 ts 3570 g 860 ts 3612 g
870 ts 3654 g 880 ts 3696 g
890 ts 3738 g 900 ts 3780 g
910 ts 3822 g 920 ts 3864 g
930 ts 3906 g 940 ts 3948 g
950 ts 3990 g 960 ts 4032 g
970 ts 4074 g 980 ts 4116 g
990 ts 4158 g 1000 ts 4200 g