Grams to Ounces

And why do we use this converter?

Convert Grams to Ounces is an online conversion tool designed to convert Ounces' values instantly and accurately because no technical knowledge and skills are required to use this online tool; answer the why to use this tool.

How to use Grams to Ounces conversion calculator?

Put the value of Ounces in grams in the input field and click the convert button to see the instant and accurate results in value Grams.

How does this Grams to Ounces Converter work?

The working mechanism of this online tool is explained here; see what goes behind this online tool.

1 Grams =0.035274 Ounces

For this conversion, divide the value by 28.35.

For example;

Convert 50 Grams to Ounces

50 Grams = 50/28.35 Ounces

50 Grams =1.7637Ounces

What is Grams?

The Grams is the metric unit of mass. Originally defined as “the absolute weight of a volume of pure water equal to the cube of the hundredth part of a meter.”

What is Ounces?

The ounce is the name of a different unit of mass, weight, or volume and is derived almost unchanged from an ancient division of measurements.


100 grams to ounces
200 grams to ounces
30 grams to ounces
28 grams to ounces
150 grams to ounces
300 grams to ounces
400 grams to ounces
50 grams to ounces
20 grams to ounces
14 grams to ounces
60 grams to ounces
15 grams to ounces
120 grams to ounces
40 grams to ounces
85 grams to ounces
5 grams to ounces
70 grams to ounces
25 grams to ounces
500 grams to ounces
10 grams to ounces
140 grams to ounces
180 grams to ounces
170 grams to ounces
250 grams to ounces
160 grams to ounces
600 grams to ounces
238 grams to ounces
56 grams to ounces


Grams Ounces Grams Ounces
10 g 0.3527 oz 20 g 0.7055 oz
30 g 1.0582 oz 40 g 1.411 oz
50 g 1.7637 oz 60 g 2.1164 oz
70 g 2.4692 oz 80 g 2.8219 oz
90 g 3.1747 oz 100 g 3.5274 oz
110 g 3.8801 oz 120 g 4.2329 oz
130 g 4.5856 oz 140 g 4.9384 oz
150 g 5.2911 oz 160 g 5.6438 oz
170 g 5.9966 oz 180 g 6.3493 oz
190 g 6.7021 oz 200 g 7.0548 oz
210 g 7.4075 oz 220 g 7.7603 oz
230 g 8.113 oz 240 g 8.4658 oz
250 g 8.8185 oz 260 g 9.1712 oz
270 g 9.524 oz 280 g 9.8767 oz
290 g 10.2295 oz 300 g 10.5822 oz
310 g 10.9349 oz 320 g 11.2877 oz
330 g 11.6404 oz 340 g 11.9932 oz
350 g 12.3459 oz 360 g 12.6986 oz
370 g 13.0514 oz 380 g 13.4041 oz
390 g 13.7569 oz 400 g 14.1096 oz
410 g 14.4623 oz 420 g 14.8151 oz
430 g 15.1678 oz 440 g 15.5206 oz
450 g 15.8733 oz 460 g 16.226 oz
470 g 16.5788 oz 480 g 16.9315 oz
490 g 17.2843 oz 500 g 17.637 oz
510 g 17.9897 oz 520 g 18.3425 oz
530 g 18.6952 oz 540 g 19.048 oz
550 g 19.4007 oz 560 g 19.7534 oz
570 g 20.1062 oz 580 g 20.4589 oz
590 g 20.8117 oz 600 g 21.1644 oz
610 g 21.5171 oz 620 g 21.8699 oz
630 g 22.2226 oz 640 g 22.5754 oz
650 g 22.9281 oz 660 g 23.2808 oz
670 g 23.6336 oz 680 g 23.9863 oz
690 g 24.3391 oz 700 g 24.6918 oz
710 g 25.0445 oz 720 g 25.3973 oz
730 g 25.75 oz 740 g 26.1028 oz
750 g 26.4555 oz 760 g 26.8082 oz
770 g 27.161 oz 780 g 27.5137 oz
790 g 27.8665 oz 800 g 28.2192 oz
810 g 28.5719 oz 820 g 28.9247 oz
830 g 29.2774 oz 840 g 29.6302 oz
850 g 29.9829 oz 860 g 30.3356 oz
870 g 30.6884 oz 880 g 31.0411 oz
890 g 31.3939 oz 900 g 31.7466 oz
910 g 32.0993 oz 920 g 32.4521 oz
930 g 32.8048 oz 940 g 33.1576 oz
950 g 33.5103 oz 960 g 33.863 oz
970 g 34.2158 oz 980 g 34.5685 oz
990 g 34.9213 oz 1000 g 35.274 oz