USDA Mortgage Calculator

 What is a USDA Mortgage Calculator?

A USDA Mortgage Calculator is a tool that helps homebuyers estimate the cost of a home loan when using a USDA loan. The calculator takes into account the loan amount, loan type, interest rate, loan term, and other factors to estimate the monthly payment, total interest, and closing costs associated with the loan.

Why use the USDA Mortgage calculator? 

The USDA mortgage calculator is helpful for first-time homebuyers and experienced homeowners alike. It helps you estimate your monthly mortgage payments and provides information on eligibility and program requirements. The calculator gives you an estimated breakdown of your monthly payments, including principal, interest, taxes, and insurance. This information can help you make informed decisions about your home loan and budgeting.

How Does the USDA Mortgage Calculator Work?


M = P[(r/12)((1+r/12)^n)/((1+r/12)^n-1)]


M = Monthly Payment

P = Principal

r = Annual Interest Rate

n = Number of Months in Loan Term

The USDA Mortgage Calculator allows users to input the loan amount, interest rate, loan term, and other information to estimate the monthly payment, total interest, and closing costs associated with the loan. It also calculates the estimated monthly payment based on the loan amount, interest rate, and loan term.