Stripe Fee Calculator

What is Stripe?

Stripe is a payment processing platform that helps businesses accept and manage online payments. It is widely used by small and large businesses, startups, and e-commerce platforms for their payment processing needs. Stripe offers a range of tools and services that make it easy for businesses to accept payments from customers anywhere in the world.

What is a Stripe Fee Calculator?

A Stripe Fee Calculator is a tool that helps businesses calculate the fees they will be charged for using Stripe to process online payments. The calculator takes into account the type of payment method used, the location of the business and the customer, and the transaction amount to determine the fees.

How should I use the Stripe fee calculated?

Stripe fees are calculated based on a percentage of the transaction amount plus a fixed fee. The percentage fee varies depending on the payment method used and the business's and customer's location. The fixed fee is a flat fee that is charged for each transaction.

 the formula of calculate Stripe fees is as follows:

Fee = (Transaction Amount x Percentage Fee) + Fixed Fee

For example, let's say a business in the United States uses Stripe to process a credit card payment for $100. The percentage fee for credit card transactions in the US is 2.9% plus $0.30. The calculation would be:

Fee = ($100 x 2.9%) + $0.30
Fee = $2.90 + $0.30
Fee = $3.20

So, the business would be charged a total fee of $3.20 for processing the $100 payment through Stripe.

Types of Stripe Fees

There are different types of Stripe fees, including:

Transaction fees: These are fees charged for each transaction processed through Stripe. The transaction fee varies depending on the payment method used and the location of the business and customer.

Dispute fees: These are fees charged when a customer disputes a transaction processed through Stripe. The fee is charged to the business and is typically $15 per dispute.

Chargeback fees: These are fees charged when a customer initiates a chargeback with their bank or credit card company. The fee is charged to the business and is typical $15 per chargeback.