Days Between Dates

Days between dates calculator is used to see how many days are in between two dates? Simply clear by the name days between dates, this can show the days including starting date and excluding starting date.

For example, if you want to calculate Days between dates

From:    Tuesday 12 April 2022

To:          Thursday 28 April 2022

                16 days

OR:         2 weeks, 2 days

OR:         384 hours

How to use this calculator?

Step 1. Open and go to days between dates calculator

Step 2. Select first date

Step 3. Select 2nd date

Step 4. Press calculate button

And results will be shown below instantly.

For what purpose this calculator can be used?

This days between date calculator can be used to the see the days between two different events, like see the difference between new year day and President’s Day, that how many days are in between these two events.

Can be used to set a countdown of days to surprise your loved ones in an amazing loving ways and many more.

Below are tables of events in United States of America for the years 2022 and 2023

U.S. Federal Holidays 2022

New Year's Day

Jan. 1, 2022

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan. 17, 2022

President's Day

Feb. 21, 2022

Memorial Day

May. 30, 2022

Juneteenth Day

Jun. 19, 2022

Independence Day

Jul. 4, 2022

Labor Day

Sep. 5, 2022

Columbus Day

Oct. 10, 2022

Veteran's Day

Nov. 11, 2022


Nov. 24, 2022


Dec. 25, 2022

U.S. Federal Holidays 2023

New Year's Day

Jan. 1, 2023

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan. 16, 2023

President's Day

Feb. 20, 2023

Memorial Day

May. 29, 2023

Juneteenth Day

Jun. 19, 2023

Independence Day

Jul. 4, 2023

Labor Day

Sep. 4, 2023

Columbus Day

Oct. 9, 2023

Veteran's Day

Nov. 11, 2023


Nov. 23, 2023


Dec. 25, 2023