Date Calculator

Date calculator is used to subtract or add days, years, months, and week from a date.

For example, if you want to add 30 days in the date 12 April 2022, then the result will be like,

Tuesday April 12, 2022


plus 30 days is

Thursday May 12, 2022


How to use this calculator?

Step 1. Open and go to date calculator

Step 2. First select the date,

Step 3. Enter the years, days, weeks, months you want to add or subtract from the selected date

Step 4. Select add or subtracts

Step 5. Press calculate button

And results will be shown below instantly. In the date format.

When this Date Calculator can be utilized?

A date calculator can be very handy when you need to calculate the next date after some days or weeks.

You may need to calculate a date for the followings:

  • business agreements
  • Shipping and delivery time periods
  • Medical procedures and healing time gaps

Business Agreements

This date calculator can be used to see when the agreement is going to expire, so that you can decide whether you want to continue, or you must find a new one. A timely decision can be very useful for uninterrupted business.

Shipping / Delivery time

This can be used to see the date of delivery or shipping. For example, a parcel will be delivered within 5 business days. Then this calculator will add 5 days in today’s date and tell you the delivery or shipping date.